Rebuilding Evansdale County Chapter 1.1

Posted: August 3, 2013 in Rebuilding Evansdale County
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Welcome back to another chapter of Rebuilding Evansdale County! In the last chapter Sion Rand and Canderous Rand went on a three month world tour before ending up in Evansdale County on their way home. While there, the nuclear power plant went critical and they were forced to join the residents in the evacuation center. Sion was supposed to be the last one through to safety, but he switched places with Canderous. It took some work to get Canderous to actually go. A few hours later and the plant exploded. Due to a combination of the radiation and the gas released to stop it from killing the residents, Sion passed out from a massive headache. And now on with the story.

When Sion came to, he noticed he was in a make shift hospital. He tried to sit up, but a doctor stopped him.

“Don’t sit up, you’re recovering from massive injuries,” the doctor explained.

“Injuries?” Sion asked, “The last thing I remember is getting a massive headache right after the power plant exploded.”

“Head injuries can cause temporary amnesia,” the doctor said, “You had some defensive wounds so I imagine you were conscious at some point. Some soldiers found you in nothing but your undergarments about a week ago. It’s been a month since the power plant exploded.”

“A… A month? Has it really been that long?”

“Yes, it has. You were touch and go for a while. The radiation and the gas that’s been released must have wrecked havoc with your genetics and your immune system. Are you the direct result of an abduction or are you the child of someone who was?”

“Direct result of an abduction? Why are you asking?”

“Ah. If you were born with the typical black eyes, your eyes have turned more Sim like and they’re brown. And your voice is more typical.”

“What?! I can’t be a normal Sim. I’m primarily alien with a little bit of Sim in me from the method used for the procedure. You’re lying to me.”

“I’m sure you can hear yourself, sir,” the doctor said and handed Sion a mirror, “Now you can see for yourself.”

Sion realized he did sound different and he slowly and nervously looked in the mirror. The doctor was right. His eyes were more normal.

A couple days went by and Sion realized he was now mostly like a Sim. Only his skin color, hair color, and general face shape marked him as an alien. He honestly slept for the first time since he aged to teenager. And he could no longer just think to fix something. It was unnerving and he cursed any heavenly body that was paying attention.

He desperately missed his family, especially Canderous. The time here was the longest he spent away from Canderous that he could actually remember. And sleeping and having to manually fix things was normal for Canderous. Sion had no one to lean on.

Eventually Sion was healthy enough to leave. The doctors had found him some clothes to wear and had gotten in touch with the leaders and got him set up with a house. Soon, it was time for Sion to get a job.

He had exchanged mailings with those in charge of the hospital and they were receptive to him joining their crew. He stepped into the room to do the interview and greeted the people who were going to interview him.

“Oh, you’re an alien,” one of the said, “I’m sorry we have strict laws. Only non-aliens can take the job. That way we don’t feed into anyone’s fear that aliens are out to destroy us.”

Sion could tell by the look on the guy’s face that the law was fictitious. He had been warned in Moonlight Falls that those outside of the city are pretty prejudiced against non-mundane Sims. He had run into it a bit while traveling, but nothing like this.

“Didn’t go well?” Christopher Parrott, a fellow patient said.

“No, apparently those in charge of hiring here are racist.”

“I used to work here before I got laid up due to the riots. Trust me, it’s a blessing in disguise. The boss is a real piece of work. My sister works with the journalism crew. I know it’s not what you’ve been dreaming of doing based on our talks, nor is it mine, but it’s a job. Due to the nature of the job with them having to be out and about a lot, especially during the riots and blizzards, there is a high turn around. I bet they’d be willing to overlook any racial bias for another body out in the field. I know I plan on trying to get her to get me a job there. She’s visiting later this afternoon. I’ll ask if there’s an opening for you since you’re getting discharged tomorrow as well.”

“Thanks, Chris, means a lot,” Sion said.

Not only was Chris’s sister able to get her brother a job in the field, she was able and willing to get Sion a job as well. The next morning the pair was discharged and sent to their respective houses. The only thing they regretted was that their houses weren’t within safe walking distance. And neither knew the other well enough yet to risk going that far from home.

Sion’s house wasn’t much. It was two basement levels under a car port basically. It certainly wasn’t the house Sion grew up in. He eventually made his way to his bed, curled up on it, and cried. He was still reeling from the month’s events. Pushing Canderous away. Waking up to finding himself without any his powers or his black eyes. Finding out he had been beaten almost to death, probably because he was an alien was also a shock. And the painful realization that Evansdale County was not as accepting of those of different species as Moonlight Falls is.

Sion felt hopeless to some degree. There was no way he was going to be able to see his family again. The borders were too closely monitored and he was too unusual. He knew some people did slip out and heck some people slipped in. But they didn’t have green skin. All he did at work was deliver papers to residents. And the paper was simply a single sheet of paper with a few stories. As the days progressed, Sion began to think of what the paper could become. It could be a way for people to be in touch with the outside world. The spotty phone network allowed for some phone calls to places outside of Evansdale County. He could make a real difference. More of a difference than as a veterinarian, even in an town that wasn’t recovering from the effects of a reactor blowing up.

He came home one day and heard running water from inside of his house. He panicked. Had someone broken into his house? Was he being robbed? He found a piece of wood that hadn’t rotted away yet and slowly went downstairs. He raised his arms to swing at the intruder when the intruder turned around. Sion froze.

It was Canderous.

“What…. what are you doing here?” Sion said dropping the board instantly and taking a few uneasy steps backward.

“I’m here to rescue you,” he said, “It took me ages to figure out how to sneak in and to find you. One minute, what happened to your eyes and you don’t sound right?”

“The radiation and the gas they’ve got to protect us from the effects of the radiation wrecked havoc with my alien genes. Chances are it’s Dad’s genes that got spliced into my make up that have saved me. And I know this is going to sound odd, but I think I’m going to stay. Give my life some purpose. Help rebuild this place.”

“This place isn’t friendly to anyone who isn’t a normal Sim. Isn’t a mundane. I can’t let you stay here, Sion.”

“I’ve experienced that. But I’ve got some friends here. And I’m too different looking to slip out. I looked into it when I first got out of the hospital.”

“But I don’t want to lose you. I don’t…”

Sion pulled his nephew into a hug, “Canderous, you know I wasn’t as passionate about becoming a vet as you were of traveling the world. That you said I should continue to explore my options until I found something that I was passionate about doing as much as you were traveling. I’ve found that something.”

Canderous blinked, “You’re sure about this aren’t you?”

“I am. How is everyone at home taking it? How’s Asala taking it?”

Canderous sighed in defeat, “Well, if it’s what you want.” He took a few minutes to compose himself before saying, “As well as can be expected, but they’ve got their hands full. Mission’s still acting out fairly bad. Grandpa wants to run in guns blazing and rescue you. Grandma said that we could only do that if you wished it. I’m not sure Grandpa will take you wanting to stay easy.”

“Well, I doubt Darius will risk going into a region wrecked by a nuclear power plant exploding. So tell him I’m safe from Darius where I am and that I’m happy. And you didn’t answer about Asala.”

Canderous frowned, “Hard. She wanted to come in here today. But I couldn’t risk it. I wasn’t sure of your situation and I didn’t want to bring her in here if I wasn’t sure if it was safe.”

Sion nodded, “Thank you for that.”

Canderous looked at his watch and sighed, “I suppose I should leave. I didn’t plan on staying her long.”

Sion hugged his nephew again, “Be strong. I’ll do what I can to get communication outside of here. To home. But the barrier they’ve put blocks most waves. We’re lucky we’ve got any wireless capabilities, even if they only get turned on a couple days a week to increase their life span.

The pair said good bye to each other and Sion saw Canderous off. When Canderous got far enough away, Sion collapsed to the ground, defeated again. He had broken his best friend’s heart.

“Here’s an odd place for a mental break down,” a voice said.

Sion jumped and bolted up before relaxing at the sight of Chris Parrott. “Chris, you just about gave me a heart attack. What are you doing in this neck of the woods?”

“Didn’t mean to do that, but figured someone better poke you before you got into trouble. There are those out there who still can’t put the fact that you have green skin and hair behind them. I seem to recall that being the major reason you were in the hospital so long. And I’m out here because one of the reporters needed some dirt on something that’s been going on. I’ve told to keep mum on it. And it’s just too risky for the reporters to do much on their own. So what had you off in your own world?”

“It’s a long story and one we’d probably best head into my house to do.”

Chris nodded and the pair headed into Sion’s house. “Alright, spill,” Chris said, sitting down at the computer chair.

“You remember me talking about my nephew?”

“The one whose like a few months younger than you? The one you traded places with? Yea, I remember.”

“Well, he’s figured out how to slip in and out of the barrier without being caught. I just broke his heart by telling him I didn’t want to sneak out with him and escape. He… he understood my reasons for staying but I don’t think he had prepared himself mentally for me saying no.”

“And your reasons were?”

“I can make a real difference as a journalist. More so than as a vet surgeon. Especially here. And I’m not as easy to slip out of the barrier given my skin color. I don’t want to get him stuck here.”

“Damn, Sion. Sorry. Canderous seems like a great guy from what you’ve told me about him. I know it was hard for you to push him away when the reactor blew. It had to be harder to do it a second time. You’ve got my number and my address. I see you’ve managed to find a clunker. Come visit or pick me up if you ever just need to talk. And try not to collapse on the ground outside again. It’s too cold and too dangerous to do that.”

“Thanks, Chris. Means a lot.”

The pair said good bye to each other and Sion quickly got ready for bed. He had to be up early again in the morning to go to work. Even though, they were willing to hire Sion, they explicitly stated that they weren’t going to give him any special leeway just because he’s green.

And that’s it for this chapter! Will Sion succeed in become a journalist or will his green skin prevent him? Find out in chapters to come!


Author’s Note: I have an outtake to share 😀

Canderous played the part of the doctor (just with different hair color and outfit). I love the adventurous idle:

  1. amandralynn says:

    I love Sion. was hard to see him sad and uncertain! Things will work out for him I know it 🙂

    • Seera says:

      I love Sion as well and it was hard to write this chapter. There is a sense of hopelessness going around Evansdale County and Sion is not immune.

  2. Oh man, Sion must be having a rough time losing his alien powers. I’m glad he figured out something he wanted to do in journalism, even though he couldn’t go back with Canderous. I love the adventurous idle too. 😀

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